Monday, February 5, 2018

Director's Review- A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

I feel as though I was on a roller coaster of reactions with this book. I'd had it on my To-Read list for years, then decided this fall I needed to tackle it in honor of Halloween. I was happy with how it started, then somewhat annoyed at how quickly the romance between Diana and Matthew picked up, and once that seemed to be the focus of the story, I contemplated leaving it and moving on to something else- I could do without 600 pages of star-crossed lovers' angst. But, I continued, and was happy I did so; the story really picks up, and I loved the glimpses of Matthew's past, and I'm intrigued to learn more about Diana's powers as she discovers them. This installment ends with Diana and Matthew "time walking" back to Elizabethan England to hide from the Counsel in what promises to be an exciting sequel.

"A Discovery of Witches" is available through the State Library of Kansas's audiobook collection.