Monday, January 30, 2017

The Tuskegee Airmen

The Tuskegee Airmen traveling display is coming to the SCCC Library for Black History Month! Stop in the library for more details.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Just in

February 6, 2017 People magazine

Special Report:
The Inauguration & Women's March

Exclusive! Katherine Heigl article

New Prison Interview 
Menendez Brothers

"Dance Moms' Abby Lee Miller,
Will she go to jail?"

Read all about it! 

Super Bowl LI Preview is in the

January 30, 2017 issue of 
Sports Illustrated Magazine 
just arrived

"SHOOTOUT Brady vs. Ryan 
Footballs will fly; Points will be scored. History will be made"

An article by Tim Layden regarding the Patriots on page 31 and an article by Jonathan Jones regarding the Falcons on page 24

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

TRiO Information Literacy Workshop

Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, January 25th, at 1:00 PM in the Math Resource Center for our Information Literacy Workshop, hosted by TRiO and led by Library Director, Lindsay Tuman. During this session you will learn how to identify credible online sources and use the library's databases. If you are unable to attend, handouts and more info from the session will be available in the library.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Director's Review- Matched by Ally Condie

"Matched" is the first installment of Ally Condie's best selling "Matched" trilogy. While the series, as a whole, has been wildly popular, I just couldn't get into this one. After reading the synopsis, it sounded so promising, as did the first several chapters, but approximately half-way through the story, my interest started to wane. Nothing really seemed to be happening, and the love story between Cassia and Ky, which basically became the entire focus of the story, had no basis or explanation other than "insta-love" to make it believable.
However, despite this, I enjoyed the disturbing post apocalyptic world Condie created. I was both interested and disgusted at different points throughout the book, especially in regards to the storyline of Cassia's grandfather and the society's elder population.